At Danville we believe it really is better to give than to receive, and we have many opportunities for you to do exactly that!

You can bring a smile to someone’s face or lend a helping hand with any one of our Service Extra Murals.

Blood Donor Clinic

Danville is proud to participate every year in the SANBS blood drives. We book three clinics each year and are proud of our staff, parents and learners who attend and donate. Our goal going forward is to encourage more parents to attend and be role models for their daughters.


Interact is not only a club, but an opportunity for girls to give back and help the less fortunate. Interact projects enable our enthusiastic learners to gain important life skills as they initiate and manage community projects that add value to the lives of young people in our area.

One of these weekly projects is the Bread Buddies programme where our learners make sandwiches which are then distributed by the DOMINO FOUNDATION to needy schools in the community.

Service Committee

The Service Committee is a dedicated group of young ladies who have worked tirelessly to make their vision of a school that gives generously, a reality. Their actions have helped us raise our standards of “giving”.

Learners may involve themselves in various service-oriented extra murals, such as visiting a babies’ orphanage or retirement home, as well as annual events such as 67 Minutes For Mandela, Christmas Shoebox Drive, Easter Egg Collection, and Shoe Donation.