As an academic school, we take great pride in our 31 consecutive years of 100% pass rate success.
Grade 8 & 9
- English: Home Language
- Afrikaans: First Additional Language
- isiZulu: First Additional Language
- Mathematics
- Life Orientation
- Creative Arts: Art and Drama
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences: Geography and History
- Technology
Grade 10, 11 & 12
- English: Home Language
- Afrikaans: First Additional Language
- isiZulu: First Additional Language
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Literacy
- Life Orientation
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Consumer Studies
- Dramatic Arts
- Geography
- History
- Information Technology
- Life Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Visual Arts
- Further Studies: Mathematics (IEB)
The academic support offered to Danville learners is an important factor in ensuring academic success for each learner. Whether participating in the mentor programme in Mathematics, Afrikaans and English, attending extra lessons offered in various subjects, support lessons in all Matric subjects throughout their Grade 12 year, or attending specialist workshops, learners are supported and guided as they build their confidence in each learning area.
Danville educators take an interest in each learner and are vested in ensuring each learner’s mastery of her subject.
In the afternoons they are encouraged to make use of the Study Venue where a qualified teacher is able to provide support with homework and research.
Our Media Centre with its award-winning specialist library, the world class Victor Daitz Collaborative Learning Centre, and additional Computer Room staffed by two librarians and an IT expert, mean that our girls have access to research facilities and expert guidance when planning and researching projects and presentations. Danville’s IT Evolution initiative ensures that each girl experiences the best of cloud-based learning as we move beyond the four walls of a classroom into the exciting world of global connectedness.